principle, the watercolor is a technique with the
intervention of pigments, arabic gum and water. Simply
It depends of the artist, it’s capacity to play
with random aspects and let himself be surprised by
created subtleties, allowing shadows flow and that
pigmented water crosses the paper and gets mixed with
other color zones, in order to release gestures and
not be depending of a supposed control of the situation.
If an artist is open to have this happen, if he allows
it, then the art work arises, without caring if the
painting is figurative or belongs to abstraction,
the subtle shadows may contain expressive universes
of great power.
The watercolors of Isabel Mignaquy show the sensitivity
of the artist, how she seems to sail through a sea
of stains and colors, exhibiting how she simplifies
any raised reality, not letting prioritize any anecdotal
aspect, in order to work images with great synthesis.
Isabel Mignaquy is a disciple
of master ERNESTO PESCE,
a recognized Argentine plastic artist. His works are exhibited
in museums and collections. He actually is a Thesis Professor
of Postgraduate Seminars in Visual Arts at the Institute
of Visual Arts (IUNA) and Director of Postgraduates in Visual
Arts at the School of Art “Ernesto of the Cárcova”,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
"I understand by a piece of arts, groundwork, as a reason, main motive and foundation, which in my case it is always born out from lanscape and light. But landscape must produce in me, some emotion, a wish or a impulse to trnslate it or recreate it on a canvas or a paper.It has to inspire me. Sometimes an oil picture comes from a watercolour, a quick sketch or a photography. few times it starts or ends "en plein air".There are a lot of workshop at the studio, hours coming in and out, until I feel satisfied. "
